Scripting Sample 2

This sample demonstrates how to scale a barcode and how to draw long bars and short bars with different lengths. The following result is produced by the ASP code below:

Source code:

<!-- #include file="" -->
set bo = Server.CreateObject("Easybaro.Barcode")
bo.BarcodeType = bcUPCE  ' from include file
bo.Data = "1234567"
<% 'long bar height 40, short bar 35: %>
<% = bo.GetHTML2(1, 40, 35, 0) %>
<% 'same barcode scaled by a factor of 2: %>
<% = bo.GetHTML2(2, 40, 35, 0) %>
bo.BarcodeType = bcPOSTNET
bo.Data = "95020-342740"
<% 'for POSTNET, you can supply same value for %>
<% 'long and short bars; will adjust internally: %>
<% = bo.GetHTML2(1, 15, 15, 0) %>